Central Precast Inc. | Nepean, Ontario |1956
Established in 1956, Central Precast Inc. began manufacturing precast concrete products for the general construction industry. The product line and manufacturing facility grew to include; landscape, utility products, manholes, concrete poles, steps, barriers and architectural panels. As the product line expanded, new companies were formed to focus on their specific industries, and The Precast Group was formed. Central Precast is centrally located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, where it has a 55,000 square foot, CSA certified production facility. This plant includes fully automated batching systems, casting beds for architectural and prestressed panels which are used in high rise, warehouse and box store applications.
In 1986, Central Precast expanded its manufacturing operations, by constructing a new 35,000 square foot plant for the production of concrete utility poles. This facility, which now operates as Utility Structures Inc., is located adjacent to the original production facility in Ottawa. The plant has since doubled in size to 60,000 square feet, and has expanded its product line to include: utility products, transformer bases, MTO manholes and highway barriers.
M CON Products Inc. | Carp, Ontario |1989
In 1989, Central Precast expanded further by building what is now Eastern Ontario's largest concrete pipe plant. This 104,000 square foot plant operates under the name MCON Products Inc. and is located in Carp, Ontario. Its main focus is the sewer and water main industry, in which it manufactures; precast manholes, catch basins, concrete pipe and box culverts.
The Precast Group currently employs over 200 people, and distributes its products in Canada and the United States. The Precast Group continues to create innovative products and invests heavily into modernization and eco-friendly manufacturing. Our mission is to meet the demands of our customers and employees, under a safe working environment, where service and quality are at the forefront.